Storefront enables you to directly communicate with your renter via the chat function in your account, so you can take full control over your bookings! The following guidelines help you increase your booking potential by 92%.
- After you receive an inquiry, make sure to respond within 48 hours.
- If you “Invite to book”, it means that the renter can immediately pay and secure your space under the current terms (price, dates) to complete the booking.
- “Propose alternative dates/price” to give the renter a new flexible option, if you do not agree to the current terms (price, dates).
- “Decline and end conversation”, if your space is not available at all or the renter is not a fit for your space.
- If you want to find out more about the renter or the actual inquiry, make sure to“Write a Message to…” directly to the renter.
Example: “Tell me more about your pop-up!” or “Do you want to visit the space?”
- How do you communicate with your renters?
“Wording is key” – communicate directly and clearly with your renter. Guide your renter and be pro-active.
1.Book your space:
Follow-up in a direct message after every action you take on the request:
- If you “invite to book”, make sure to send a direct message after.
- If you change the “date or price”, make sure to send a direct message after.
- After a “space visit”, make sure to send a direct message after.
Check out the Example:
- Guide your renter after you “invite to book”: “Hey, thanks for your inquiry!
I agree to the terms. Make sure to book & pay at your earliest convenience!”
2. Space Visit:
Stay in control of your booking and ask your renter for a space visit (only if you require a space visit before the booking). Make sure that the time and date are confirmed for the visit before you share the address and phone number.
Check out the Example:
- “Hey, are you available to take a look at the space next Tuesday at 10am?”
3. Rules:
Storefront is completely free for you and we provide customer service and secure payments on all bookings. The following rules will provide an optimized user experience and will guarantee your success:
- *Always communicate using Storefront. For support and insurance purposes, sharing contact details is not allowed before a visit is organized or an event is booked.
- Respond to your renter within 48 hours in order to maximize your booking potential.
4. The messaging and activities:
Sometimes, there will be back and forth discussions regarding the dates and/or the price. Each time a changes occurs, an activity is added to the thread of messages which describe what happened.
In a case of a change of prices and/or dates, you can click on “See details” to the see the difference before and after.
“Details Changed” will give you a clear overview on how the price/dates have changed from the previous terms.
Where is what?
Let’s clarify the use of every element.
5. Wording Clarification:
Still interested: After 7 days without any activity (no messages, no booking request or invitation were sent), the inquiry will be in the status Inactive. As a response, both the renter or the listing owner can say they are still interested in continuing the conversation, or do any other action like sending a message, requesting to book or inviting to book.
Propose alternative dates and/or price: A listing owner can send an invitation to book for alternative dates and/or price. Afterwards, the renter can accept the booking invitation or change the dates again.
Decline and end conversation: At almost anytime until the space is booked, the owner can decline the inquiry and end the conversation with the renter.
Booking invitation: A renter has contacted a listing owner about specific dates and the listing owner has responded by either inviting them to book the dates or by proposing alternative dates or price. If the renter accepts the booking invitation, the booking will be confirmed as soon as the payment is validated.
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