At Storefront we believe that what you do with your property is up to you. That’s why we’ll never ask you to sign an exclusivity agreement to list your space on our online marketplace.
Landlords who list with Storefront enjoy the right to choose who rents their property and when, giving them full control of pricing as well as the benefit of showcasing their space to over 80,000 brands from London, Paris, New York, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Amsterdam and San Francisco.
Storefront receives $22 million worth of requests every month. We regularly promote spaces to local and international clients through our vast network of newsletter subscribers and also across our social platforms.
We understand that as a landlord and business owner it is in your best interest to list your property on as many platforms as you like, to us, it’s a no-brainer. We will still connect you with brands, retailers, designers and emerging startups with our world-class concierge service.
If you are a landlord who is currently trapped in an exclusivity agreement that is not benefiting you, contact us in London, New York or Paris.
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